On 27.07.2018 16:31, Michael Matz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018, Michael Matz wrote:
>> Using any python scripts as part of generally building GCC (i.e. where 
>> the generated files aren't prepackaged) will introduce a python 
>> dependency for distro packages.  And for those distros that bootstrap a 
>> core cycle of packages (e.g. *SUSE) this will include python (and all 
>> its dependencies) into that bootstrap cycle.
>> That will be terrible.
> Oh, and of course, I haven't read any really convincing arguments for 
> why python would be so much better than awk to counter the disadvantages.
> Building a compiler (especially one that regards itself as a 
> multi-target/host one) should have extremely few prerequisites (ideally 
> only a compiler and runtime for the language its written in), and I 
> wouldn't call a full python distro that (no matter how much people claim 
> that getting the necessary subset of python is mostly trivial.  compiling 
> any random awk is trivial, especially given a compiler you already need 
> anyway; python is not).

that very much depends on your bootstrap system supporting staged builds.  You
already have to do that for glibc/gcc anyway.  But yes, if you think that adding
a staged python build is more complicated ...

> Hell, if anything I'd say we should rewrite the awk scripts into POSIX sh 
> (!).  I'll concede that for text processing AWK is nicer ;-)
> So, if it's only for a minor convenience of writing some text 
> processing scripts, no, that's not a good reason to complicate our 
> prerequisites.  (The helper scripts in contrib/ as long as they aren't 
> used during GCC build can use any fancy language they want)

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