Le 22/07/2018 à 03:24, Carlo Pisani a écrit :
hi guys
got some deb files from an old Debian's archive(1), converted .deb
into .tgz, and installed
but it seems there is no gnat-gcc

I don't know how Gnat works on Debian, but for sure it doesn't work
like the version I have on my gentoo-x86 box
where I have prepared this test file, hello.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
    Put_Line ("Hello WORLD!");
end Hello;

that I can compile via "gnatmake hello.adb"

gnat make -v hallo.ada

   "hello.ali" being checked ...
gnatgcc -c -x ada hello.adb
End of compilation
gnatbind -x hello.ali
gnatlink hello.ali

as you can see it calls "gnatgcc"

- "gnatgcc" is not existing out of the debian pagkage(1)
- gnat make calls "gcc-4.3"
- the installed gcc (provided by gentoo) can't compile ada-files
- since the compiler was compiled with languages=C,C++,Fortran

and idea? hints?


    I have observed that, in Debian, the default version of gcc used for Ada is sometimes older than the version used for C/C++. In other words, the default gcc doesn't understand Ada. Therefore gnatgcc points to another version of gcc, which understands it. That might explain, at least in part, the difference you see.


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