On Tue, 2018-07-17 at 19:13 +0200, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
> Hello All,
> In https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2018-07/msg00233.html  Martin Liška
> wrote:
> > I've recently touched AWK option generate machinery and it's quite
> > unpleasant
> > to make any adjustments. My question is simple: can we starting
> > using a scripting
> > language like Python and replace usage of the AWK scripts? It's
> > probably question
> > for Steering committee, but I would like to see feedback from
> > community.
> I would suggest also (and perhaps instead) considering using GNU
> Guile 
> https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/
> (personally, I prefer Guile to Python, but that is just my
> preference)
> Since Guile is the preferred GNU scripting language (for example
> Guile 
> is a GNU project, but AFAIK Python is not).
> BTW, I dislike Python syntax (my personal taste is an allergy to 
> significant spaces, but I admit it is just a matter of taste and I
> could 
> contribute some Python code in the future if it becomes needed).
> Also, I 
> am noticing that these days the Python project might have some 
> governance issues (see e.g. https://lwn.net/Articles/759654/ in case
> you 
> did not heard about it).

[disclosure: I'm a CPython core developer, albeit a rather dormant one]

"Governance issues" seems a little strong to me: yes, Guido is stepping
down as BDFL, but will still participate, and CPython is one of the
best-run FLOSS projects I've had the pleasure of participating in.  I'm
sure that the project will continue to be well-run.

> However, the idea of depending more deeply on a good scripting
> language 
> in GCC is very pleasant.

Indeed.  I'm a fan of Python in this regard, as you might have guessed


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