On 05/29/2018 07:03 PM, Hrishikesh Kulkarni wrote:
My exams have finally ended and I have started working on the GSOC project.
I have forked GCC mirror (https://github.com/hrisearch/gcc) and
created a option for dumping functions and variables used in IL.
Please find the patch attached herewith.
Good start. You branched the repository but your forget to push the commit
you sent as attachment. Second issues is that the patch is not against
GCC trunk, but against your local branch. Thus one can't apply that.
About the options:
- once you send a new functionality, it's fine to paste a sample output
- for now I would remove the dummy flag_lto_dump flag
- I would expect for -fdump-lto-list something like what nm does:
$ nm main.o
00000000 T main
00000000 T mystring
00000000 C pole
Then of course you can add some level of verbosity which can print what you
Would be also handy during the time to come up with some sorting, but it can
That said, the direction is fine. Please carry on.