Jason, The manual mentions some C++-only options in the language independent section 3.8 Options to Request or Suppress Warnings and others in 3.5 Options Controlling C++ Dialect.
For example, -Wcatch-value, -Wconditionally-supported, and -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant are mentioned only on the former page, while -Wabi-tag, -Wctor-dtor-privacy, -Wliteral-suffix, and -Wclass-memaccess are mentioned only on the latter. That makes C++ options harder to find than they should be. It also makes it difficult to tell which C++ options are included in -Wall or -Wextra. I think we should converge on the same approach for all C++ options that doesn't have these problems. What should it be? An approach that I think might work well is to continue to mention even C++-only options in 3.8 but move their descriptions to 3.5 (i.e., have the entry for each link to the full description of the option on the C++ page). Should I try to make this happen for GCC 8? Martin