On 03/29/2018 12:56 AM, Andre Groenewald wrote:
> The heart of GCC should remain pure C as far as possible, for the very
> same reason the Linux kernel is only in C. Deviate from this, and in a
> few years we will end up with Java as the programming language of GCC.
> It is the duty of the steering community and our leaders in GCC to be
> very conservative in this regard.
> Please I don't want to oppose someone’s proposal, I want the people to
> understand reason of being conservative in this regard, because they
> will end up being the leaders of GCC in the following generations.
> GCC steering community I count on you and speaking behalf other
> developers to keep GCC as close to C as possible for at least the next
> 1000 years.
We've already made a decision to use C++ when it makes sense.  That ship
sailed years ago.


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