Hello all, If this belongs in a different mailbox, please let me know where it should be sent. I would like to start contributing to GCC. In viewing the relevant pages it became clear that they have not been updated for some time, which makes starting to contribute a bit more challenging.
To name a few on the Simple GCC projects page:1. A few references are made to the java front-end. I understand that GCJ broke off from GCC a while ago; furthermore, that Java is no longer supported by either GCC or GCJ.2. Under code cleanliness, the bullet for enormous files lists files in the 150-500K sizes. These sizes are not current and there are at least a couple of files in the MB range (the C++ parser.c file for example).3. Simplifying parser action code. GCC seems to have migrated away from parser generators in favor of ad hoc approaches. Does this project still apply? Would it be possible to have this page updated? It would be helpful to new contributors. Sincerely,Chris Higgs