On 01/19/2018 03:13 PM, Martin Jambor wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 19 2018, Martin Jambor wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, Jan 18 2018, Martin Liška wrote:
>>> On 01/17/2018 06:54 PM, Martin Jambor wrote:
>> ...
>>>> 2) Martin Liška is willing to mentor either:
>>>>    2a) -fsanitize=type (He provided URL https://reviews.llvm.org/D32197
>>>>        but it gives me a 404 error) or its prototype, or
>>>>    2b) bash code completion like:
>>>> http://blog.llvm.org/2017/09/clang-bash-better-auto-completion-is.html
>>>>        but frankly I am afraid it is too small to be a GSoC project, or
>>>>    2c) textual representation of LTO stream a.k.a. lto-dump tool
>>> If there's an interest, I can specify in more detail these topics.
>> First, we'll need (just) enough info to make the idea attractive for
>> students.  Then they will need to write a project proposal with
>> milestones and stuff
>> (https://google.github.io/gsocguides/student/writing-a-proposal).  I am
>> not sure how involved we will be at that point, but perhaps it is a good
>> idea to think about milestones anyway.
>>> Note that
>>> David Malcolm is also interested in 2b) and he's willing to be co-mentor.
>>> The topic 2b) can be enlarged to an overhaul of option handling, with 
>>> possible
>>> rewritten of current AWK scripts.
>> I am still a bit sceptical about the b option.  IIRC there was an
>> objection on the IRC that rewriting AWK scripts would require extensive
>> testing in a wide variety of often obscure environments.  That may make
>> it ill-suited for GSoC.  But well... I am not strictly against it, but
>> we may need to set the expectations accordingly ...which may not make it
>> attractive neither for students not for Google.
> Ah no, I confused myself.  That was Joseph's issue with the idea of
> replacing libiberty with gnulib.  The problem with this one was getting
> a consensus to move away from AWK to python which would introduce a new
> dependency of the gcc project.  Someone experienced (and determined)
> from the community would have to drive that decision, we may not expect
> a newcomer, let a alone a student, to do it.

Here I can probably trigger the discussion about the transition from AWK
to another programming language. It's expected that it will take some time.
That said, do we still want to list the project as candidate for GSoC?


> Sorry for the confusion,
> Martin

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