Thanks Jonathan! Hm... why would don't add it for portability? Of course, i don't see codes with Nested-Functions so much, but... I think that better would delete it, or add full support? And, it's contradicts to standart of C, nope?:) ~~~~~~~~~~~ About lambda: Yeah is very pooowerful, of course. Is true.
#include<iostream> void fcn(int n=100){ int i; auto f = [&i,n]{ i=n; }; f(); std::cout << i << ":" << n << std::endl; } int main(void){ fcn(); } || #include<stdio.h> void fcn(void){ int i; void ofcn(void){ i=100; } ofcn(); printf("%d\n",i); } int main(void){ fcn(); } 04.01.2018, 06:05, "Jonathan Wakely" <>: > On 3 January 2018 at 21:13, Alexsandr Yvarov wrote: >> Why would dont add it at GNU G++? > > Aren't C++ lambda expressions more powerful and flexible?