Hello friends, As a new year begins, I am reminded of something I read many years ago:
The jealous temper of mankind, ever more disposed to censure than to praise the work of others, has constantly made the pursuit of new methods and systems no less perilous than the search after unknown lands and seas. -- Niccolò Machiavelli, _Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livy_ Such words are immortal, describing the human condition and its effect on all efforts undertaken by humanity. Going forward I trust that the community of developers contributing to GCC and related projects will set aside their differences and egos for the betterment of this project and the human race, something they have done for so many years prior. I hope to not clutter the list, but so often are these technical forums only littered with problems. Some small measure of positivity seems appropriate. Cheers, R0b0t1