On 12/29/17, Louis Krupp <louis.kr...@zoho.com> wrote:
> I tried to build the trunk using:
> I got a number of compilation warnings -- promoted to errors -- about
> possibly uninitialized variables.
> I have what I believe is a decent patch that initializes those variables and
> which I've tested at revision 256030. The errors go away for -Og, as well as
> for -O0.
> When I run make with no arguments and then run "make check", I get the same
> test failures as I do in an unmodified and identically built reference tree
> at the same revision.
> I've attached the patch along with a list of tentative ChangeLog entries and
> their respective directories. I can adjust the format of those entries as
> needed.
> Being able to build with -Og or -O0 would make my life easier.
> Louis Krupp

Patches go to the gcc-patches mailing list instead. Also please be
aware of bug 78394: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=78394

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