On Mon, 2017-11-06 at 18:46 -0200, Nathália Harumi wrote: > Hi, > My name is Nathália Harumi, I'm a student of The University of > Campinas. > > I'm working on validation projects on OpenPower lab (which is a > partnership > between IBM and The University of Campinas, in Brazil) and we'd like > to > find a way to contribute the GCC community. > > Now a days, we use a Buildbot platform for internal validation > projects on > Power with several ppc architectures and flavours as workers. We're > also > working with glibc community to improve it buildbot and to provide > workers > for builds on ppc. > > So, we'd like to know which platform you use for CI and how we can > contribute with it. > > Thank you, > Nathália.
Hi Nathália I don't think there's anything "official" yet, but Paulo Matos [CCed] has been experimenting with running buildbot for gcc: https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2017-10/msg00068.html (albeit it with some significant unsolved problems, as I understand it) Maybe you and Paulo could set things up so that the ppc workers you have could contribute to Paulo's buildbot instance? Hope this is constructive Dave