On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Geoff Wozniak <g...@geoff.wozniak.ca> wrote:
> R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When I first looked at the GCC codebase, it seemed to me that most
>> operations should be done on the GIMPLE representation as it contains the
>> most information. Is there any reason you gravitated towards RTL?
> Naiveté, really.
> My team and I didn’t know much about the code base when we started looking
> at the problem, although we knew a little about the intermediate formats.
> GIMPLE makes the analysis more complicated, although not impossible, and it
> can make the cost model difficult to pin down. Raw assembly/machine code is
> ideal, but then we have to deal with different platforms and would likely
> have to do all the work in the linker. RTL is sufficiently low-level enough
> (as far as we know) to start counting instructions, and platform independent
> enough that we don’t have to parse machine code.
> Essentially, working with RTL makes the implementation a little easier but
> we didn’t know that the pass infrastructure wasn’t in our favour.
> It’s likely we’ll turn our attention to GIMPLE and assembler/machine code,
> unless we can come up with something (or anyone has a suggestion).

Admittedly I do not know much about compiler design, but your response
has put some of what I read about analysis of RTL into context. It it
is hard to be sure, but I think analysis of RTL has fallen out of
favor and has been replaced with the analysis of intermediate
languages. For example, compare clang and llvm's operation.

The missing link is that you seem to be right about cost calculation.
Cost calculation is difficult for high level operations. Would online
analysis of the produced machine code be sufficient? That seems to be
a popular solution from what I have read.

Thanks for the response, and best of luck to you.


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