On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Sandra Loosemore <san...@codesourcery.com>
> On 09/26/2017 03:05 PM, R0b0t1 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having problems understanding the build instructions for GCC. I
>> can almost always produce toolchains which function but I can find
>> programs or scripts which do more or less the same thing that produce
>> nonfunctional toolchains or which abort at some stage of compilation.
>> (To clarify: I have no problem compiling the project, but I need help
>> knowing all options which must be configured.)
>> This is related to my questions about generating an arm-none-eabi
>> toolchain, however I also wish to build targets for
>> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu,
>> powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu, etc.
>> Broadly, I have the following questions:
>> 1) What is the complete list of dependencies for a GCC based
>> toolchain? I am led to believe it is: zlib, gmp, mpfr, mpc, isl,
>> expat, binutils, gcc, glibc, and gdb.
>> 2) How do I specify each of the above to be reliant on the versions of
>> other programs that it may depend on being used for the toolchain?
>> Ideally these toolchains would not use system libraries if CHOST is
>> the same as BHOST.
>> 3) Are there any architecture specific options for any of the possible
>> targets?
>> Is there anything else I should be aware of?
> Yes, there are companies (like, ahem, the one I work for --
> CodeSourcery/Mentor/Siemens) who provide contract services for complete
> custom toolchains.  Generally speaking, many of our customers find that
> building a complete set of tools requires a lot of obscure knowledge and
> too error-prone to do by hand, whereas we've developed a lot of scripting
> and automated build/test infrastructure to leverage on.  So it's more
> cost-effective to hire us to do the work than to thrash around trying to
> DIY.
> If you can provide some more details about what your goals are, I can pass
> that along to our business/sales people to follow up on.

I decline to do your company's market research for them. They could choose
to pay me, of course. Based on the failures I am experiencing I doubt that
your company has gotten the build process entirely correct. Eventually the
details of my research will be released, as I enjoy
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to the misery of closed source software.


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