On 27/09/17 21:56, nick wrote:
Greetings All,
I commented here a few names ago,
https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=82230. Not
to be a annoyance but I have a school assignment and would like someone to
reply if it's
correct or something. I am assuming it's probably wrong but any comment would
be very
helpful before I sent in a patch to the patches list to get merged for the fix.
Take care,
Dear Nick,
Long time ago, I was in your position as a newbie volunteer contributor. Please
let me share some suggestions that I hope would help you to direct your efforts
in the most useful and least frustrating way possible:
* Nobody can reply to all comments in bugzilla, there are just too many.
* People contributing to GCC are already very busy with their own projects,
bugs, priorities. Unfortunately, there is very little time left for mentoring,
in particular of sporadic contributors: You are more likely to get a reply if
you are a frequent contributor. You have to be very self-motivated, because the
start will be slow (I have more tips to share about how to overcome this phase
if you are interested).
* People may not know the answer to what you are asking or it may require
investing a significant amount of time to find out the answer, thus they reply
* People are not likely to spend time testing a fix that is "probably wrong".
They would hope that you make the effort to test it yourself.
How to move your fix forward? My suggestion would be: Check that it works.
Check out trunk, apply your fix, create a testcase, run the testsuite and check
that it fixes the issue and it doesn't break anything else.
More detailed instructions:
I'd also suggest to read: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Community
Happy hacking!