On 09/25/2017 12:13 PM, Paulo Matos wrote: > > > On 25/09/17 11:52, Martin Liška wrote: >> Hi Paulo. >> >> Thank you for working on that! To be honest, I've been running local >> buildbot on >> my desktop machine which does builds your buildbot instance can do (please >> see: >> https://pasteboard.co/GLZ0vLMu.png): >> > > Hi Martin, > > Thanks for sharing your builders. Looks like you've got a good setup going. > > I have done the very basic only since it was my interest to understand > if people would find it useful. I didn't want to waste my time building > something people have no interest to use.
Sure, nice kick off. > > It seems there is some interest so I am gathering some requirements in > the GitHub issues of the project. One very important feature is > visualization of results, so I am integrating support for data gathering > in influxdb to display using grafana. I do not work full time on this, > so it's going slowly but I should have a dashboard to show in the next > couple of weeks. Would be great, what exactly do you want to visualize? For me, even having green/red spots works fine in order to quickly identify what builds are wrong. > >> - doing time to time (once a week) sanitizer builds: ASAN, UBSAN and run >> test-suite >> - doing profiled bootstrap, LTO bootstrap (yes, it has been broken for quite >> some time) and LTO profiled bootstrap >> - building project with --enable-gather-detailed-mem-stats >> - doing coverage --enable-coverage, running test-suite and uploading to a >> location: https://gcc.opensuse.org/gcc-lcov/ >> - similar for Doxygen: https://gcc.opensuse.org/gcc-doxygen/ >> - periodic building of some projects: Inkscape, GIMP, linux-kernel, Firefox >> - I do it with -O2, -O2+LTO, -O3, ... >> Would be definitely fine, but it takes some care to maintain compatible >> versions of a project and GCC compiler. >> Plus handling of dependencies of external libraries can be irritating. >> - cross build for primary architectures >> >> That's list of what I have and can be inspiration for you. I can help if you >> want and we can find a reasonable resources >> where this can be run. >> > > Thanks. That's great. As you can see from #9 in > https://github.com/LinkiTools/gcc-buildbot/issues/9, most of the things > I hope to be able to run in the CompileFarm unless, of course, unless > people host a worker on their own hardware. Regarding your offer for > resources. Are you offering to merge your config or hardware? Either > would be great, however I expect your config to have to be ported to > buildbot nine before merging. Hopefully both. I'm attaching my config file (probably more for inspiration that a real use). I'll ask my manager whether we can find a machine that can run more complex tests. I'll inform you. > >> Apart from that, I fully agree with octoploid that >> http://toolchain.lug-owl.de/buildbot/ is duplicated effort which is running >> on GCC compile farm machines and uses a shell scripts to utilize. I would >> prefer to integrate it to Buildbot and utilize same >> GCC Farm machines for native builds. >> > > Octoploid? Is that a typo? > I discussed that in the Cauldron with David was surprised to know that > the buildbot you reference is actually not a buildbot implementation > using the Python framework but a handwritten software. So, in that > respect is not duplicated effort. It is duplicated effort if on the > other hand, we try to test the same things. I will try to understand how > to merge efforts to that buildbot. Yes, duplication in way that it is (will be) same things. I'm adding author of the tool, hopefully we can unify the effort (and resources of course). Martin > >> Another inspiration (for builds) can come from what LLVM folks do: >> http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders >> > > Thanks for the pointer. I at one point tried to read their > configuration. However, found the one by gdb simpler and used it as a > basis for what I have. I will look at their builders nonetheless to > understand what they build and how long they take.> >> Anyway, it's good starting point what you did and I'm looking forward to >> more common use of the tool. >> Martin >> > > Thanks, >
# -*- python -*- # ex: set syntax=python: # This is a sample buildmaster config file. It must be installed as # 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory. # This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use # a shorter alias to save typing. c = BuildmasterConfig = {} from base64 import * import re import os ####### BUILDSLAVES # The 'slaves' list defines the set of recognized buildslaves. Each element is # a BuildSlave object, specifying a unique slave name and password. The same # slave name and password must be configured on the slave. from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave c['slaves'] = [] c['mergeRequests'] = False # 'protocols' contains information about protocols which master will use for # communicating with slaves. # You must define at least 'port' option that slaves could connect to your master # with this protocol. # 'port' must match the value configured into the buildslaves (with their # --master option) c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': 9989}} ####### CHANGESOURCES # the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out # about source code changes. Here we point to the buildbot clone of pyflakes. llvm_repo_url = u'https://github.com/llvm-project/llvm-project.git' gcc_repo_url = u'git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git' gcc_marxin_repo_url = u'https://github.com/marxin/gcc.git' firefox_repo_url = u'https://github.com/marxin/gecko-dev.git' from buildbot.changes.gitpoller import GitPoller gcc_branch_fn = lambda x: 'buildbot-' in x c['change_source'] = [] c['change_source'].append(GitPoller( gcc_marxin_repo_url, pollinterval = 100, branches = gcc_branch_fn)) c['change_source'].append(GitPoller( gcc_repo_url, pollinterval = 60)) ####### SCHEDULERS # Configure the Schedulers, which decide how to react to incoming changes. In this # case, just kick off a 'runtests' build from buildbot.schedulers.basic import AnyBranchScheduler from buildbot.schedulers.forcesched import ForceScheduler from buildbot.schedulers.timed import Nightly from buildbot.schedulers.triggerable import Triggerable from buildbot.changes import filter gcc_opensuse_org = "-e 'ssh -p 2271' r...@gate.opensuse.org" workdays = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] c['schedulers'] = [] c['schedulers'].append(Nightly(name = 'gcc-testing-marxinbox', builderNames = ['gcc-master-profiledbootstrap', 'gcc-master-bootstrap-asan', 'gcc-master-bootstrap-ubsan', 'gcc-master-bootstrap-lto', 'gcc-lcov', 'gcc-doxygen'], branch = None, hour = 10, minute = 0, dayOfWeek = [5])) c['schedulers'].append(Nightly(name = 'marxinbox-nightly', builderNames = ['gcc-master-bootstrap', 'gcc_bisect', 'gcc-master-build-x86_64'], branch = None, hour = 18, minute = 00, dayOfWeek = workdays)) c['schedulers'].append(Nightly(name = 'marxinbox-gcc_option_juggler_weekend', builderNames = ['gcc-master-build-x86_64-weekend', 'gcc-master-build-ppc64-weekend', 'gcc-master-build-ppc64le-weekend', 'gcc-master-build-s390x-weekend', 'gcc-master-build-aarch64-weekend', 'gcc-master-build-arm-weekend'], branch = None, hour = 9, minute = 0, dayOfWeek = [5])) #c['schedulers'].append(Nightly(name = 'tester', # builderNames = [''], # branch = None, # hour = 10, # minute = 45)) # x86_64 triggerable schedulers buildnames = ['gimp-O2-g', 'gimp-O3', 'gimp-O3-flto', 'inkscape-O2-g', 'inkscape-O3', 'inkscape-O3-flto', 'boost', 'firefox-O2-g', 'firefox-O3', 'firefox-O2-flto', 'firefox-O3-flto', 'linux', 'chromium', 'libreoffice-lto'] c['schedulers'].append(Triggerable(name = 'marxinbox-gcc-projects', builderNames = buildnames)) c['schedulers'].append(Triggerable(name = 'marxinbox-gcc-option-juggler', builderNames = ['gcc_option_juggler'])) ####### BUILDERS # The 'builders' list defines the Builders, which tell Buildbot how to perform a build: # what steps, and which slaves can execute them. Note that any particular build will # only take place on one slave. from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory from buildbot.steps.source.git import Git from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand from buildbot.steps.shell import Compile from buildbot.steps import shell from buildbot.steps.slave import MakeDirectory, RemoveDirectory from buildbot.process.properties import WithProperties, Property from buildbot.steps.master import SetProperty from buildbot.steps.trigger import Trigger from buildbot.steps.transfer import FileUpload from buildbot.steps.transfer import FileDownload from buildbot.process.properties import Interpolate factory = BuildFactory() # check out the source factory.addStep(Git(repourl='git://github.com/buildbot/pyflakes.git', mode='incremental')) # run the tests (note that this will require that 'trial' is installed) factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=["trial", "pyflakes"])) def set_nproc_property(f): f.addStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(command="expr `nproc` + 1", property="nproc", haltOnFailure = True)) def set_compiler_version_property(f, compiler): f.addStep(shell.SetPropertyFromCommand(command = compiler + " -v 2>&1 | grep 'version [0-9]' | cut -f3 -d' '", property="compiler_version", haltOnFailure = True, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}')})) # CREATE GCC factory that compiles GCC from git repository gcc_build_dir = 'build/builddir' spec_triggered_properties = { 'got_revision': Property('got_revision'), 'install_path': Property('install_path'), 'install_bin_path': Property('install_bin_path'), 'nproc': Property('nproc'), 'compiler_version': Property('compiler_version'), 'target': Property('target'), 'juggling_iterations': Property('juggling_iterations')} def append_gcc_build_steps(f, install, build_config, profiled_bootstrap, disable_bootstrap, target, disable_multilib, release_checking, disable_werror): f.addStep(SetProperty('install_bin_path', WithProperties('%(install_path)s/bin/'))) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command=['rm', '-rf', '../' + gcc_build_dir], haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(MakeDirectory(gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) configure_options = ['./../configure', '--enable-linker-build-id', WithProperties('--prefix=%(install_path)s')] if target == 'arm': configure_options += ['--target=arm-linux-gnueabi'] elif target != None and target != 'x86_64': configure_options += ['--target=' + target + '-linux-gnu'] if disable_multilib: configure_options += ['--disable-multilib'] if release_checking: configure_options += ['--enable-checking=release'] if disable_werror: configure_options += ['--disable-werror'] if target != None: if target == 'ppc64': configure_options += ['--with-as=/usr/bin/powerpc64-suse-linux-as'] elif target == 'ppc64le': configure_options += ['--with-as=/usr/bin/powerpc64le-suse-linux-as'] elif target == 'arm': configure_options += ['--with-as=/usr/bin/arm-suse-linux-gnueabi-as'] elif target != 'x86_64': configure_options += ['--with-as=/usr/bin/%s-suse-linux-as' % target] make_options = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s')] if build_config: configure_options += ['--with-build-config=' + build_config] elif profiled_bootstrap: make_options += ['profiledbootstrap'] elif disable_bootstrap: configure_options += ['--disable-bootstrap'] if target != None: make_options += ['all-host'] f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = configure_options, workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = make_options, workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) if install: f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'install'], workdir = gcc_build_dir if target == None else os.path.join(gcc_build_dir, 'gcc'), haltOnFailure = True)) set_compiler_version_property(f, 'gcc') return f # GCC factory def create_gcc_git_factory(git_url = gcc_repo_url, install = False, build_config = None, profiled_bootstrap = False, trigger = False, trigger_gcc_juggling = False, target = None, disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = None, release_checking = True, disable_werror = False): f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Git(repourl = git_url, mode='incremental', haltOnFailure = True, progress = True)) set_nproc_property(f) f.addStep(SetProperty('install_path', WithProperties('%(builddir)s/../install/gcc-%(got_revision)s'))) f.addStep(SetProperty('target', target)) f.addStep(SetProperty('juggling_iterations', juggling_iterations)) append_gcc_build_steps(f, install = install, build_config = build_config, profiled_bootstrap = profiled_bootstrap, disable_bootstrap = True if trigger_gcc_juggling else False, target = target, disable_multilib = disable_multilib, release_checking = release_checking, disable_werror = disable_werror) if trigger: f.addStep(Trigger(schedulerNames = ['marxinbox-gcc-projects'], waitForFinish = False, set_properties = spec_triggered_properties)) elif trigger_gcc_juggling: f.addStep(Trigger(schedulerNames = ['marxinbox-gcc-option-juggler'], waitForFinish = False, set_properties = spec_triggered_properties)) return f # GCC factory - LCOV def create_gcc_lcov_factory(git_url = gcc_repo_url): lcov_epilog = '<h3>LCOV profile is generated on x86_64 machine using following configure options: configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto --enable-host-shared. GCC test suite is run with the built compiler.</h3></body></html>' f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Git(repourl = git_url, mode='incremental', haltOnFailure = True, progress = True)) set_nproc_property(f) f.addStep(RemoveDirectory(gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(MakeDirectory(gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = '../configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto --enable-host-shared', workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s')], workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s'), '-k', 'check'], workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = False)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = "find gcc/testsuite/ -name '*.gcda' -exec rm -rf {} \;", workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'lcov -d . --capture --output-file gcc.info', workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'lcov --remove gcc.info "/usr/*" "/opt/*" "*/gcc/gt-*" "*/gcc/gtype-*" --output-file gcc.info', workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'echo "' + lcov_epilog + '" > epilog.txt', workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'genhtml gcc.info --ignore-errors=source --output-directory html --html-epilog epilog.txt', workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'rsync -av --chmod=D755,F644 html/ %s:/home/gcc/lcov' % gcc_opensuse_org, workdir = gcc_build_dir, haltOnFailure = True)) return f # GCC factory - LCOV def create_gcc_doxygen_factory(git_url = gcc_repo_url): f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Git(repourl = git_url, mode='incremental', haltOnFailure = True, progress = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'doxygen ./contrib/gcc.doxy', haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = 'rsync -av --chmod=D755,F644 gcc-doxygen/html/ %s:/home/gcc/doxygen' % gcc_opensuse_org, haltOnFailure = True)) return f # FIREFOX factory def create_firefox_factory(level, flags): workdir = '../source/firefox' f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'clean'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', '-f', 'client.mk', 'build'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}'), 'MYFLAGS': flags, 'OPT': level})) return f # LINUXfactory def create_linux_factory(): f = BuildFactory() workdir = '../source/linux' f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'distclean'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'allyesconfig'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s'), 'V=1'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}')})) return f # BOOST factory def create_boost_factory(): f = BuildFactory() # TODO: add git f.addStep(Compile(command = ['./bootstrap.sh'], haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['./b2', '-a', '-q', '-d+2', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s')], haltOnFailure = True, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}')})) return f # GIMP factory def create_gimp_factory(flags): f = BuildFactory() workdir = '../source/gimp' f.addStep(Compile(command = ['./configure', '-disable-python'], env = { 'CFLAGS': flags, 'LDFLAGS': flags }, workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'clean'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s'), 'V=1'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}')})) return f # INKSCAPE factory def create_inkscape_factory(flags): f = BuildFactory() workdir = '../source/inkscape/inkscape-launchpad' f.addStep(Compile(command = ['./autogen.sh'], env = { 'CFLAGS': flags, 'CXXFLAGS': flags, 'LDFLAGS': flags }, workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['./configure'], env = { 'CFLAGS': flags, 'CXXFLAGS': flags, 'LDFLAGS': flags }, workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'clean'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s'), 'V=1'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}')})) return f # CHROMIUM factory def create_chromium_factory(enable_lto): workdir = '../source/chromium/' arguments = 'is_debug=false enable_nacl=false is_component_ffmpeg=true use_cups=true use_gconf=true use_gtk3=true use_aura=true enable_clipboard_aurax11=true symbol_level=1 remove_webcore_debug_symbols=true use_kerberos=true use_pulseaudio=true link_pulseaudio=true use_sysroot=false treat_warnings_as_errors=false fatal_linker_warnings=false use_allocator="none" fieldtrial_testing_like_official_build=true use_gold=true use_sysroot=false enable_widevine=true enable_hangout_services_extension=true is_clang=false google_api_key="AIzaSyD1hTe85_a14kr1Ks8T3Ce75rvbR1_Dx7Q" google_default_client_id="4139804441.apps.googleusercontent.com" google_default_client_secret="KDTRKEZk2jwT_7CDpcmMA--P"' if enable_lto: arguments += ' enable_lto=true' f = BuildFactory() set_nproc_property(f) f.addStep(ShellCommand(command=['rm', '-rf', 'out'], haltOnFailure = True, workdir = workdir)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['tools/gn/bootstrap/bootstrap.py', '-v', '--gn-gen-args', arguments], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['ninja', '-v', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s'), '-C', 'out/Release', 'chrome'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True)) return f # LIBREOFFICE factory def create_libreoffice_factory(enable_lto): workdir = '../source/libreoffice' f = BuildFactory() set_nproc_property(f) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', 'distclean'], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = False)) configure_options = ['./configure', '--without-java'] if enable_lto: configure_options += ['--enable-lto'] env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}')} f.addStep(Compile(command = './autogen.sh --without-java', workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True, env = env)) f.addStep(Compile(command = configure_options, workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True, env = env)) f.addStep(Compile(command = ['make', WithProperties('-j%(nproc)s')], workdir = workdir, haltOnFailure = True, env = env)) return f # GCC BISECT factory def create_gcc_bisect_factory(n): f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Compile(command = ['/home/marxin/Programming/script-misc/gcc_bisect.py', 'build', '--pull', '-n=' + str(n)], haltOnFailure = True, timeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3)) return f # GCC OPTION JUGGLER factory def create_gcc_option_juggler_factory(): f = BuildFactory() f.addStep(Compile(command = ['/home/marxin/Programming/script-misc/gcc-option-juggler.py', '-v', '-t', WithProperties('%(target)s'), '--iterations', WithProperties('%(juggling_iterations)s')], haltOnFailure = True, timeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3, env = { 'PATH': WithProperties('%(install_bin_path)s/:${PATH}'), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': WithProperties('%(install_path)s/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}'), 'COLUMNS': '1000'})) return f from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig c['builders'] = [] c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-bootstrap', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger = True))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-profiledbootstrap', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(profiled_bootstrap = True, disable_werror = True))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-bootstrap-asan', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(build_config = 'bootstrap-asan'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-bootstrap-ubsan', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(build_config = 'bootstrap-ubsan'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-bootstrap-lto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(build_config = 'bootstrap-lto'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-lcov', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_lcov_factory())) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-doxygen', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_doxygen_factory())) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'firefox-O2-g', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_firefox_factory('-O2', '-march=native -g -flifetime-dse=1'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'firefox-O3', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_firefox_factory('-O3', '-march=native -flifetime-dse=1'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'firefox-O2-flto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_firefox_factory('-O2', '-flto=9 -march=native -flifetime-dse=1'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'firefox-O3-flto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_firefox_factory('-O3', '-flto=9 -march=native -flifetime-dse=1'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'linux', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_linux_factory())) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'boost', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_boost_factory())) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gimp-O2-g', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gimp_factory('-O2 -g'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gimp-O3', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gimp_factory('-O3'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gimp-O3-flto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gimp_factory('-O3 -flto=9'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'inkscape-O2-g', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_inkscape_factory('-O2 -g'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'inkscape-O3', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_inkscape_factory('-O3'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'inkscape-O3-flto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_inkscape_factory('-O3 -flto=9'))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'chromium', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_chromium_factory(False))) # c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'chromium-lto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_chromium_factory(True))) # c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'libreoffice', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_libreoffice_factory(False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'libreoffice-lto', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_libreoffice_factory(True))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc_bisect', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_bisect_factory(120))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-x86_64', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'x86_64', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = 1000, release_checking = False))) # for GCC option juggler iterations = 1500 c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-x86_64-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'x86_64', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-ppc64-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'ppc64', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-ppc64le-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'ppc64le', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-s390x-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 's390x', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-arm-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'arm', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc-master-build-aarch64-weekend', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_git_factory(install = True, trigger_gcc_juggling = True, target = 'aarch64', disable_multilib = False, juggling_iterations = iterations, release_checking = False))) c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name = 'gcc_option_juggler', slavenames = ['marxinbox'], factory = create_gcc_option_juggler_factory())) ####### STATUS TARGETS # 'status' is a list of Status Targets. The results of each build will be # pushed to these targets. buildbot/status/*.py has a variety to choose from, # including web pages, email senders, and IRC bots. c['status'] = [] from buildbot.status import html from buildbot.status.web import authz, auth authz_cfg=authz.Authz( # change any of these to True to enable; see the manual for more # options auth=auth.BasicAuth([("marxin","spartapraha")]), gracefulShutdown = False, forceBuild = 'auth', # use this to test your slave once it is set up forceAllBuilds = 'auth', # ..or this pingBuilder = False, stopBuild = True, stopAllBuilds = True, cancelPendingBuild = True, ) c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, authz=authz_cfg)) ####### PROJECT IDENTITY # the 'title' string will appear at the top of this buildbot # installation's html.WebStatus home page (linked to the # 'titleURL') and is embedded in the title of the waterfall HTML page. c['title'] = "Pyflakes" c['titleURL'] = "https://launchpad.net/pyflakes" # the 'buildbotURL' string should point to the location where the buildbot's # internal web server (usually the html.WebStatus page) is visible. This # typically uses the port number set in the Waterfall 'status' entry, but # with an externally-visible host name which the buildbot cannot figure out # without some help. c['buildbotURL'] = "http://localhost:8010/" ####### DB URL c['db'] = { # This specifies what database buildbot uses to store its state. You can leave # this at its default for all but the largest installations. 'db_url' : "sqlite:///state.sqlite", }