On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 10:35:18AM -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> We are using the key and subkey schedule from FIPS 197, Appendix A. We
> are using it because the key schedule is fully specified.
> We lack the known answers for a single round using a subkey like one
> specified in FIPS 197. IBM does not appear to provide them.

197 appendices B and C are full of such examples though.  First see if
you can get a single round (one vcipher call) working; you have to get
byte ordering correct, etc.

> I don't have access to Power ISA 3.0B. It seems to be hidden behind a
> paywall. https://openpowerfoundation.org/?resource_lib=power-isa-version-3-0.

It's not a paywall, you just have to register.  Yes, not ideal.


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