> On Sep 4, 2017, at 8:13 PM, Leslie Zhai via llvm-dev 
> <llvm-...@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi LLVM and GCC developers,
> LLVM China  http://www.llvm.org.cn  forked DragonEgg 
> https://github.com/LLVM-China/dragonegg  because:
> * Some subprojects are impractical or uninteresting to relicense (e.g. 
> llvm-gcc  and dragonegg). These will be split off from the LLVM project (e.g. 
> to separate Github projects), allowing interested people to continue their 
> development elsewhere. 
> http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2017-August/116266.html
> * There are a lot of issues https://github.com/xiangzhai/dragonegg/issues  so 
> I need smarter developers' help.

Hi Leslie,

Out of curiosity, what is motivating this work?  What is the usecase for 
dragonegg these days, now that Clang has great C++ support?  Are you interested 
in Ada + LLVM or some other frontend?


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