On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Bin.Cheng <amker.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Your work will contribute to this and must be highly appreciated :)

I apologize for interjecting as I do not understand GCC internals very
well, but I appreciate all of the work that is contributed to GCC,
especially by individuals on their own time. The emergence of Clang is
particularly worrisome to me as it competes with GCC and if GCC dies,
the world may only be left with a stripped and gutted "open source"
compiler where all useful innovations are proprietary.

I am not very smart, sirs. I have tried to understand GCC but I will
need more time if it is even possible. If work stopped on it I would
be left without a trustworthy compiler. A person of my modest position
and stature does not deserve to use such a capable piece of software.


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