On 7 Jul 2017, at 22:31, Martin Sebor <mse...@gmail.com> wrote: > > I see large numbers of timeouts in Ada tests on trunk in parallel > run s (make -j96) on x86_64. Messages like the one below appear > in the logs, suggesting some sort of heap corruption. I'm having > trouble reproducing it outside the rest of the test suite (i.e., > by just running the Ada tests by themselves) but maybe I'm doing > it wrong. Unless this is a known problem I can try to pinpoint > it closer if someone could share the magic spell to run just Ada > tests to speed up the debugging.
make check-gnat check-ada runs the acats tests and then the gnat tests check-acats runs just the acats tests check-gnat runs just the gnat tests (and your problem is in the gnat tests; the acats tests don't use gnatclean)