Hello, I'm interested in developing a plugin to parse some custom annotation in C+= + code. I already developed a preliminary version of this plugin under linux and it= works fine. The final platform target of the plugin is (unfortunately ;-)) Windows and = I tried to rebuild the plugin using MinGW compiler (both with the Linux ver= sion as well by using MSYS2 and win-builds MinGW compilers for windows) but= the lack of POSIX includes breaks the build.
I looked around the documentation but I didn't find any reference regarding= the use of GCC plugins under windows. I only found some old posts on some forums saying that it is possible to d= o that and that exist some old gcc versions (custom windows rebuild of GCC = 4.6.1 to use dragonegg as plugin) that can run plugins. Substantially I'm writing just to ask: Can GCC plugins run on a windows build of GCC compiler (MinGW) ? If it is possible to do that, which is the correct way to build the plugin? Thanks in advance Davide