2017-03-13 11:56 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Wakely <jwakely....@gmail.com>:
> On 12 March 2017 at 13:21, Daniel Krügler <daniel.krueg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm now working on
>> http://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/lwg-defects.html#2861
>> The new wording state is now equivalent to basic_string_view, whose
>> current implementation doesn't bother verifying the requirement, so
>> this code (which as UB) currently compiles just fine:
>> #include <string>
>> #include <string_view>
>> struct MyTraits : std::char_traits<char>
>> {
>>   typedef unsigned char char_type;
>> };
>> int main()
>> {
>>   std::basic_string<char, MyTraits> my_string;
>>   std::basic_string_view<char, MyTraits> my_string_view;
>> }
>> So the least I could do is just - nothing. But it seems to me that we
>> could protect users from doing such silly things by adding a
>> static_assert to both basic_string and basic_string_view, the former
>> being equivalent to
>> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
>>       static_assert(__are_same<value_type, _CharT>::value,
>>                     "traits_type::char_type must be equal to _CharT");
>> #endif
>> and the latter an unconditional
>>       static_assert(is_same<typename _Traits::char_type, _CharT>::value,
>>                     "traits_type::char_type must be equal to _CharT");
>> Would you agree with that course of action?
> Not at this stage of gcc7 development. If the silly code compile fine
> then we risk breaking working code, and we're too close to a release
> to do that.

Is there a way to mark a patch suggestion for gcc8 and is so, how?

> We can reconsider for gcc8 (but even then, the code has undefined
> behaviour, so it would be a QoI choice whether to reject it or just
> accept it, as we do for containers where Alloc::value_type doesn't
> match the container's value_type).

Yes, sure, purely QoI, but the fix seems to be a no-brainer.

- Daniel

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