On Fri, Feb 03, 2017 at 02:50:37PM +0200, Angel Dimitrov wrote:
>  Can I compile on Linux with gfortran code and to run it on Phi
> co-processor? Or it is better to use Intel FORTRAN compiler?

Depends on which XeonPhi do you have.  GCC doesn't support Knights Ferry
or Knights Corner, does support Knights Landing.
That said, for KNL I've only seen so far standalone KNL processors for
which I'm not sure if offloading is possible or desirable; IMHO if
KNL is the main processor in the computer, then everything is host
for you and thus just using non-target OpenMP code should be sufficient,
so the KNL offloading should be (mainly or solely) for the case when
KNL is a coprocessor, does such thing really exist or is planned?
Can somebody from Intel please clarify?


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