On 01/23/2017 11:24, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 23/01/17 16:11, Joshua Kinard wrote:
>> So now the question is why stack-probing kills this machine on generic MIPS
>> code that its smaller cousin is seemingly unaffected by.  I do know that IP27
>> has a different set of memory initialization routines in the MIPS code, so is
>> it possible that, at the point that _raw_spin_lock_irq is called and the
>> stack-probe happens, that there isn't any stack space available because the
>> IP27-specific memory init hasn't yet completed?
> I'm sorry, but that really is a question for the kernel people.
> Andrew.

Roger, I will take that up with them then.  Thanks for the pointer!

Joshua Kinard
6144R/F5C6C943 2015-04-27
177C 1972 1FB8 F254 BAD0 3E72 5C63 F4E3 F5C6 C943

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