Hi! I found the official GCC page for manuals[1]. But unfortunately, the libstdc++ docs for my compiler version (4.9.4) cannot be accessed due to broken links on the webpage.
These are the ones that do not work presently: GCC-4.9.4 Manuals - GCC 4.9.4 Standard C++ Library Manual (also in PDF or XML or an HTML tarball) - GCC 4.9.4 Standard C++ Library Reference Manual (also in PDF or XML GPL or XML GDL or an HTML tarball Please note that none of the PDF/XML/Tarball/others work. Could someone fix them up? Thanks! Ashish Gupta -- Sent to this mailing list because of this site footer on [1]: For questions related to the use of GCC, please consult these web pages and the GCC manuals. If that fails, the gcc-h...@gcc.gnu.org mailing list might help. Comments on these web pages and the development of GCC are welcome on our developer list at gcc@gcc.gnu.org. All of our lists have public archives. [1] : https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/