Hello GCC and Clang devs! Unlike the traditional approach of installing system libraries into one central location like /usr/{lib,include}, the nix package manager [1] installs each package into it's own prefix (e.g. /nix/store/mn9kqag3d24v6q41x747zd7n5qnalch7-zlib-1.2.8-dev). Moreover, each package is built in its own environment determined from its explicitly listed dependencies, regardless of what else is installed on the system. Because not all package build scripts properly respect CFLAGS etc., we currently wrap the compiler [2] to respect custom environment variables like NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE, so during the build of a package that depends on zlib and Xlib might have NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE set to "-isystem /nix/store/bl0rz2xinsm9yslghd7n5vaba86zxknh-libX11-1.6.3-dev/include -isystem /nix/store/mn9kqag3d24v6q41x747zd7n5qnalch7-zlib-1.2.8-dev/include".
Unfortunately, as you can see if you click through the link or look through the git history, the wrapper is quite complex (frankly, hacky) and has evolved mostly through trial and error. Moreover, it's known to break things like response files [3] and is generally speaking a source of frustration. I believe the situation would be much improved if gcc and clang supported some form of "environment-specific" configuration, either through environment variables or, if absolutely necessary, command line flags that can be passed unconditionally (note, for example, that we currently parse the cc command line to see if we're going to do any linking before deciding to pass in linking-specific options) and clearly have the semantics we want. Ideally we would be able to specify something on the level of abstraction of "this directory should be treated like you would normally treat /usr" and get e.g. /include, /lib, frameworks on OS X, etc. handled properly. Would patches aimed at achieving this be considered for inclusion upstream? My current thought for a first step would be an environment variable specifying a file with command line flags that are ignored by the compiler driver in contexts where they are inapplicable or overridden by other command line flags, but I'm definitely open to guidance on how this should best be achieved from your perspective. I'm happy to do the work needed to get this in place if there is interest, please let me know! Thanks, Shea Levy [1]: https://nixos.org/nix [2]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/8cbdd9d0c290e294a9d783c8868e738db05c9ce2/pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper/cc-wrapper.sh [3]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a421e7bd4a28c69bded8b17888325e31554f61a1
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