On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 4:03 PM, Paul Smith <psm...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi all.  Don't want to be a noodge but is there any info on a timeline
> for the 6.2 release?
> I'm planning a major tools upgrade (from GCC 4.9.2) and I've been kind
> of putting it off until 6.2 is out so I can jump to that... but the
> natives are getting restless as they want some C++ features that aren't
> available in 4.9.2.
> Usually it seems like the "first patch release" for a new major release
> is out right around now (3 months after the initial release).  Just
> wondering if there is any info on this or if things are going to be
> very different for 6.2.

I'm doing 4.9.4 now and 6.2 only afterwards so you can expect 6.2 earliest
in about three weeks.


> Cheers!

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