On 07/23/2016 06:33 AM, Aldy Hernandez wrote:

If the REGEX_MALLOC mode in regex.c is unused, can I rip it out?  I'd
like to replace it all with alloca with a malloc fallback.

And yes, I realize regex.c already does this most of the time:

      if (size1 > MAX_ALLOCA_SIZE)
          wcs_string1 = TALLOC (size1 + 1, CHAR_T);
          mbs_offset1 = TALLOC (size1 + 1, int);
          is_binary = TALLOC (size1 + 1, char);
          wcs_string1 = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, CHAR_T);
          mbs_offset1 = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, int);
          is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (size1 + 1, char);

But there are other uses of REGEX_TALLOC that seem to call alloca() without any bound checks (where REGEX_TALLOC can be defined as alloca):

  if (bufp->re_nsub)
      regstart = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);
      regend = REGEX_TALLOC (num_regs, const CHAR_T *);


      if (csize1 != 0)
          string1 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, CHAR_T);
          mbs_offset1 = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, int);
          is_binary = REGEX_TALLOC (csize1 + 1, char);

etc etc.


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