On Sun, 2016-05-08 at 15:27 -0700, David Wohlferd wrote:
> Looking at the v6 release criteria 
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/criteria.html) there are about a dozen 
> supported platforms.
> Looking at the Machine Constraints docs 
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Machine-Constraints.html), there
> are 
> 34 architectures listed.  That's a lot of entries to scroll thru.  If
> these architectures aren't supported anymore, is it time to drop some 
> of these from this page?

It's not that these architectures are not supported anymore.  They're
just neither primary nor secondary but tertiary platforms instead.  On
the release criteria page it says:

   "There are no release criteria for tertiary platforms."

BTW, the list of supported architectures is not the "machine
constrants" page, but rather this one:



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