See this example:
In this example the function is called recursively. During each call a pointer to that local areay is appended to a static array of pointers. Should a new instance of that local array of const int be created every time, abort() will never be called. Since calling a library function is observable behavior, clang's optimization has effectively changed that program's behavior. Hence I think it is wrong. [code] #include <stdlib.h> static const int *ptrs[2]; static unsigned recur; void foo(){ const int a[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; ptrs[recur] = a; if(recur == 0){ ++recur; foo(); } if(ptrs[0] == ptrs[1]){ abort(); } } int main(){ foo(); } [/code] ------------------ Best regards, lh_mouse 2016-04-21 ------------------------------------------------------------- 发件人:Jonathan Wakely <> 发送日期:2016-04-21 01:51 收件人:lh_mouse 抄送:Bingfeng Mei,gcc 主题:Re: Why does gcc generate const local array on stack? On 20 April 2016 at 18:31, lh_mouse wrote: > I tend to say clang is wrong here. If you can't detect the difference then it is a valid transformation. > Your identifier 'a' has no linkage. Your object designated by 'a' does not > have a storage-class specifier. > So it has automatic storage duration and 6.2.4/7 applies: 'If the scope is > entered recursively, a new instance of the object is created each time.' How do you tell the difference between a const array that is recreated each time and one that isn't? > Interesting enough, ISO C doesn't say whether distinct objects should have > distinct addresses. > It is worth noting that this is explicitly forbidden in ISO C++ because > distinct complete objects shall have distinct addresses: If the object's address doesn't escape from the function then I can't think of a way to tell the difference.