On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:14 PM, Martin Liška <mli...@suse.cz> wrote:
> On 03/31/2016 05:48 PM, Maxim Ostapenko wrote:
>> Yes, but please note, that this page describes differences between two 
>> particular revisions. For current trunk (and release) GCC and LLVM versions 
>> the situation might be different.
>>> Finally any plans to integrate other sanitizer tools by LLVM in to
>>> GCC, like Memory Sanitizer, Data Flow Sanitizer ?
>> AFAIK, there aren't any plans on porting MSan and DFSan to GCC (see 
>> https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2014-10/msg00000.html for MSan). TSan and UBSan 
>> are already present in GCC.
>> -Maxim
> Hi.
> I was thinking about integration of MSAN to GCC (as I was hunting for an 
> issue in Firefox),
> but as the sanitizer really needs to have instrumented all shared libraries 
> that a program
> uses, I gave up. After a brief discussion with Jakub, he had the same opinion.

FYI in our experience instrumenting a complete distribution is
relatively easy (albeit boring). It took us ~2-3 months to get fully
AddressSanitized Tizen last year
(http://injoit.org/index.php/j1/article/viewFile/231/184) and Hanno
Boeck did the same to Gentoo few months ago

So if you have a working implementation for MSan, why not throw it out
so that other people could play with it? I guess it's a big and
non-trivial piece of code.

> However, I've been working on use-after-scope sanitizer ([1]), which would 
> hopefully
> land in GCC 7, where I hope we can get even better results as the GCC has good
> scope information of local variables.

That's a cool feature indeed (something that never worked in Clang btw).

> Martin
> [1] https://github.com/marxin/gcc/tree/asan-use-after-scope-2

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