
  many times we copy code snippets from sources that change the
Unicode quotation marks ( “ ” ) rather than " ". For example

         const std::string a_string(“Hello”);

That line looks innocent but causes gcc to say

xxxxx.cpp:4:1: error: stray ‘\342’ in program
 const std::string a_string(“Hello”);

misleading the poor programmer with such error message and wrong
column. A quick Google search says there are 171,000 matches for "
error: stray ‘\342’ in program" which may show that this is a very
common issue.

I want to know if there is consensus to one of these solutions that I
can implement:

   * improve the error message for the case of the Unicode quotes such
as adding "(seems Unicode quotes where used)"

   * add a flag for a GNU extension so Unicode quotes are treated as
regular quotes

Feedback? I just don't want to waist time coding a solution that won't
be accepted.




Daniel F. Gutson
Chief Engineering Officer, SPD

San Lorenzo 47, 3rd Floor, Office 5
Córdoba, Argentina

Phone:   +54 351 4217888 / +54 351 4218211
Skype:    dgutson
LinkedIn: http://ar.linkedin.com/in/danielgutson

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