On 12 October 2015 at 10:11, Abhishek Aggarwal wrote:
> I was befuddled by the following 3 assembly instructions (generated
> right in the beginning of 'main' function):
>    lea       0x4(%esp), %ecx
>    and      0xfffffff0, %esp
>    pushl   -0x4(%ecx)
> I am not able to understand the purpose of these 3 instructions. Can
> anyone explain me about them? I didn't observe these 3 instructions
> when I compiled the same code with '-m64' switch instead of '-m32'.

Your question is off-topic on this mailing list, because it's not
about development of GCC. Questions about what x86 assembly means are
not really relevant on the gcc-help list either, as it's not specific
to GCC, and you should be able to find the answer in a description of
x86 assembly programming, or

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