Jeff Law <>:
> >>>>moore = moore <moore>
> >>Catherine, Tim?
> The more I think about it, it's more likely Tim.  Catherine typically used
> clm@ and Tim used moore@.
> Certainly if it was a change to the PA port, then it was Tim.

What was his address?

About Catherine Moore: One of the things that is quite noticeable
about this list is the number of apparently female contributors, which
while regrettably small in absolute terms is still rather more than
I'm used to seeing in a sample this size.

This makes me curious.  Was any special effort made to attract female
hackers to the project? Is there a prevailing theory about why they
showed up in comparatively large numbers?

It would be interesting to know what, if any specific thing, was done
right here...
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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