
Single Entry and Multiple Exits disables traditional Loop optimization. The 
presence of short circuit also makes the CFG as
Single Entry and Multiple Exits. The transformation from SEME(Single Entry and 
Multiple Exits) to SESE( Single Entry and 
Single Exits enables many Loop Optimizations. 

The approach like Node Splitting to make SEME regions to SESE regions is an 
important optimization on the CFG that 
Enable the transformation with respect to Loops and Conditionals.

The Loops transformation in LLVM does the node splitting to convert from SEME 
regions to SESE regions. The presence
of break and GOTO statements inside the loops makes the CFG unstructured 
transforming  it SEME.  To convert such control
Flow from unstructured to Structured control flow enables many Loop 

I would like to implement a  transformation phase on the loops before any Loop 
optimizations pass is enabled to transform 
Unstructured CFG to structured CFG like LLVM.

Does the GCC already has such transformation passes on Loops? Please share your 

Thanks & Regards

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