
The presence of aliases disables many optimizations like CCP(conditional 
constant propagation) , PRE(Partial Redundancy Elimination),
 Scalar Replacements for conditional IF-THEN-ELSE. The presence of aliasing 
also disables the IF-conversion.

I am proposing the Multi-version IF-THEN-ELSE where the different version of 
the IF-THEN-ELSE is one without aliasing and other 
versions with the aliasing. Thus converting the different Multi-version 
IF-THEN-ELSE enables the CCP, PRE, Scalar replacements
and IF-conversions for the version of the IF-THEN-ELSE that does not have 
aliasing on the pointer variables and the versions that 
has alias information will not be affected with such optimizations.

I don't have examples on hand currently but I am working on currently to 
provide the examples.


Thanks & Regards

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