Maxim Kuvyrkov <> writes:

> We want to get to:
> 1. Git repository has linaro/* namespace that hosts linaro/gcc-5-branch,
> linaro-dev/sched-model-prefetch and linaro-dev/type-promotion-pass.
> 2. Ideally, linaro/* namespace would also have branches
> linaro/gcc-4_8-branch and linaro/gcc-4_9-branch mirrored from SVN.  My
> understanding is that git-svn will not cooperate on this one, so absence
> of these branches from Git mirror is OK.
> My main question is whether it is OK to overlay git-only namespace on the
> same-named svn namespace?

Since the svn branches live in the refs/remotes namespace there is no
conflict with any branches in the refs/heads namespace.


Andreas Schwab,
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