14.04.2015 9:28, j...@aptnsw.org.au writes:
> Hi,
> If I try to browse to pages like http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs/segfault.html I get 
> the following Mozilla alert:
>> An error occurred during a  connection to gcc.gnu.org:443.  Unable to 
>> generate public/private key pair.  (Error code: sec_error_keygen_fail)
> Advice, please?

The server replies with status code "307 Temporary Redirect" and
redirects to HTTPS version ("Location:
https://gcc.gnu.org/bugs/segfault.html";). Recent versions of Chrome and
Firefox (well, Iceweasel actually) handle it correctly. SSL certificate
is OK.

Though it's strange. Why not "301 Moved Permanently"?...

    Mikhail Maltsev

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