On March 19, 2015 4:57:37 AM GMT+01:00, Trevor Saunders <tbsau...@tbsaunde.org> 
>On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 11:09:28PM +0800, xue yinsong wrote:
>> On 15/3/18 下午10:08, "Diego Novillo" <dnovi...@google.com> wrote:
>> >On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 2:54 AM, xue yinsong
><xyshh94...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Somehow this project is not in the gsoc ideas list, and it’s been
>one year since the last commit(According to
>> >>
>> >> Could someone tell me if this project is still active and eligible
>for this year’s gsoc?
>> >
>> >I'm not sure. You'd have to find someone willing to mentor. There
>> >other cleanups necessary for this to be viable. Perhaps start with
>> >those?
>> >
>> >
>> >Diego.
>> I’m glad to get started now.
>> Could you please give me some specific directions to work on ?
>I can't realistically offer more than to be a back up mentor for this
>given my level of experience and available time.  That said here are my
>thoughts on how to proceed on this project.  The first big use for the
>gimple front end will be to be able to test specific bits of the
>compiler with less interference from other parts.  If you can merge
>something that will let some people write tests for their bugs /
>features with less work then the natural tendancy will be to improve
>gimple front end.  So I think the first goal should be to merge
>something that works in some cases and then work on fixing the cases it
>can't be used in.  So first merge trunk into the gimple-front-end
>branch.  Then get the gimple front end to create gimple and pass it
>to the optimizer.  Once that works I suspect you will be able to write
>test cases for some bugs people are fixing for the gimple front end to
>prove it can test things easily.  If you get to that point I think we
>should look at merging the branch into main line and we can talk about
>next steps.

I agree.  I'd be willing to mentor this.  


>thanks and good luck!
>> Yinsong.

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