Hi Tom, ----- Ursprüngliche Mail ----- > Hi Kai, > > I encountered a test failure in boehm-gc ( > https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=64042 'FAIL: boehm-gc.c/gctest.c > -O2 execution test' ). > > I would like to ask somebody to confirm the PR, which hopefully should be as > simple as patching a .exp for iterated running of a single test (see comment > 5), > and running the boehm-gc test suite. > > But I'm not sure who to ask, since there's no maintainer listed in > MAINTAINERS. > Any idea? > > Thanks, > - Tom >
Sorry that I answer pretty late on your question. I will take a look to the PR soon. The boehm-gc stuff was in the past maintained by the java-maintainers. But well, java is a pretty dead piece of code in gcc's repository, so you might want to ping here instead the Object-C(++) maintainer. Later are using boehm-gc too for some scenario, too. So they might be able to take ownership for it ... The boehm-gc code in gcc is actually just a fork of mainline venture. So you might be able to ask there too. Regards, Kai