On 01/14/2015 08:41 PM, Jeff Law wrote:
With the section being ~60 pages, my first thought is we have way too many options!
Heh, at least we have documentation for all those options. :-)
But that's not likely to change. Though perhaps the process will encourage some culling of options that really don't make sense anymore.
Would we want to remove useless options outright, or deprecate them for a while with removal to happen at some future time, or just deprecate them and/or document that they are not useful?
I think it's really just grown organically and putting more structure into it would probably be worth the effort. The question I have is once we've identified the high level buckets, how much stuff are we likely going to have in the miscellaneous bucket. If the misc bucket is still big then folks are still going to struggle with finding the information they want/need (or think they want/need).
I guess it can't be any worse than it is now, though, where the whole 60 pages is essentially a "misc bucket". I'll see if I can put together a plan for splitting things up.... if there are too many leftovers maybe others can help by suggesting different/additional categories.