
 I'm still a newbie to gcc porting and ask you for help.
I'm porting gcc to generate added hardware FPU unit to an existing architecture 
Without the hardware FPU unit, soft-float is used to handle floating point 
Now, arithmetic instructions using FPU is properly generated, 
but "fix/trunc" and logical operations for floating point types are not 
handled, yet.

 I've put something like the following code in the machine description file,
but the proper optab handlers for the fix instructions are not generated.
As a result, soft-float routines are called instead.

 (define_expand "fix_sfsi2"     
   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" )   
         (fix:SI (match_operand:SF 1 "register_operand" ) ))] 

I checked that there are no explicit 'set_conv_libfunc' calls in the code.

 Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
And I'll appreciate what architecture is similar and helpful for me to port gcc 
with the newly added FPU.



Dr. Dong-In "David" Kang
Computer Scientist

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