I moved definition of simplify::simplify outside the class (as in the
attached patch),
and I get following error during stage1 build:
out of memory allocating 16301357976 bytes after a total of 2026800 bytes
make[2]: *** [s-match] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-gcc] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Why does moving definition of simplify constructor outside the class cause
out of memory allocation ?

Index: genmatch.c
--- genmatch.c	(revision 217303)
+++ genmatch.c	(working copy)
@@ -549,11 +549,7 @@
   simplify (operand *match_, source_location match_location_,
 	    struct operand *result_, source_location result_location_,
 	    vec<if_or_with> ifexpr_vec_, vec<vec<user_id *> > for_vec_,
-	    cid_map_t *capture_ids_)
-      : match (match_), match_location (match_location_),
-      result (result_), result_location (result_location_),
-      ifexpr_vec (ifexpr_vec_), for_vec (for_vec_),
-      capture_ids (capture_ids_), capture_max (capture_ids_->elements () - 1) {}
+	    cid_map_t *capture_ids_);
   /* The expression that is matched against the GENERIC or GIMPLE IL.  */
   operand *match;
@@ -574,6 +570,20 @@
   int capture_max;
+simplify::simplify (operand *match_, source_location match_location_,
+		    operand *result_, source_location result_location_,
+		    vec<if_or_with> ifexpr_vec_, vec< vec<user_id *> > for_vec_,
+		    cid_map_t *capture_ids_)
+  match = match_;
+  match_location = match_location_;
+  result = result_;
+  result_location = result_location_;
+  ifexpr_vec = ifexpr_vec_;
+  for_vec = for_vec_;
+  capture_ids = capture_ids_;
 /* Debugging routines for dumping the AST.  */

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