On 06.11.2014 20:08, Roman Gareev wrote:
As the ISL code generator has been default since a while and we did not get
many bug reports, the actual switch seems to have worked well. We could
probably still need some testing, but in this case it is most likely time to
drop the CLooG support entirely. Are you interested to provide the relevant

Also, as Tobias suggested we should raise the minimal supported isl level to
0.14 to be sure PR 62289 is fixed.

Yes, if you don’t mind, I’ll try to provide them by the end of the
week. I’m planning to make two patches: the first one removes files
related to CLooG code generator, the second one removes support of
CLooG library from configure and make files. What do you think about

Sounds good as long as they will compile and pass tests independently. Please also remember updating the documentation.


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