
On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Jamie Iles wrote:

>       int foo(void)
>       {
>               if (getreturn() != 0)
>                       return -1;
>               return 0;
>       }

So if getreturn() returns zero it can simply reuse that return value ...

> but at -O1 I get
>   10: fb ff ff 40     call    0 <foo>
>                       10: R_OLDLAND_PC24      getreturn-0x4
>   14: 01 00 00 3c     mov     $r1, 0x0
>   18: 01 01 00 0a     sub     $r1, $r1, $r0
>   1c: 00 01 00 2a     or      $r0, $r1, $r0
>   20: 00 f0 01 38     asr     $r0, $r0, 0x1f

... and if I'm interpreting the mnemonics correctly that is what seems to 
happen here.  If $r0 is zero, then:

     mov     $r1, 0x0              $r1 = 0
     sub     $r1, $r1, $r0         $r1 = 0 - 0 = 0
     or      $r0, $r1, $r0         $r0 = 0 | 0 = 0
     asr     $r0, $r0, 0x1f        $r0 = 0 >> 31 = 0

Voila, zero is correctly returned.  Any non-zero value will be transformed 
into -1 (if positive the high bit will be set due to subtraction, if 
negative the high bit will be set due to the 'or', and the shift 
replicates the high bit into the lower ones, yielding -1).


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