[as text for real this time]
Sanitizer compiler module sizes in LLVM (in lines):
  1823 AddressSanitizer.cpp
  2780 MemorySanitizer.cpp
   564 ThreadSanitizer.cpp
Also note, that msan is the hardest to deploy among others sanitizers
because it requires to compile *everything*,
including libc++/libstdc++ and other system libs.
We've managed to do that for large projects like Chromium, LLVM, GCC,
and a few even larger ones,
and it was certainly worth it. Having msan in GCC would be nice, but
it is lots of work.


On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:42 AM, Dmitry Vyukov <dvyu...@google.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:30 AM, VandeVondele  Joost
> <joost.vandevond...@mat.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed that gcc includes a msan_interface.h file, and I'm wondering if 
>> this implies that memory sanitizer is already part of gcc. If not, are there 
>> plans to port this useful looking tool to gcc during the current stage 1 ?
> Hi,
> No, msan is not part of gcc. And I am not aware of any plans to port
> msan to gcc.
> Note that msan's compiler pass is the most involved one as compared to
> asan/tsan.

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