On 11 September 2014 15:45, VandeVondele  Joost
<joost.vandevond...@mat.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>> could it be that the pattern in normal1 should have been '[ab]*/ de*/ 
>>> [ep]*/*' ?
>>Yes, we are running these tests multiple times:
>>PASS: 23_containers/map/modifiers/erase/abi_tag.cc (test for excess errors)
>>PASS: 23_containers/multimap/modifiers/erase/abi_tag.cc (test for excess 
>>PASS: 23_containers/multiset/modifiers/erase/abi_tag.cc (test for excess 
>>PASS: 23_containers/set/modifiers/erase/abi_tag.cc (test for excess errors)
>>PASS: 26_numerics/complex/abi_tag.cc (test for excess errors)
>>I'll fix that.
> Actually, the proper pattern should presumably be '[ab]*/* de*/* [ep]*/*' 
> even though it seems to make no difference in testing.

Yes, that's what I'm testing.

> I'll have this included in yet another version of the parallel make check 
> patch (plus some further reschuffling as requested by Jakub), so I think 
> there is no need for you to fix this now.

This can (and should) be fixed now, without waiting for some other change.

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