I am referring to C++ standard library files.

Statement : cout << "\tB:f" << endl;
is translated as :
  struct basic_ostream & D.2782;
  struct basic_ostream & D.2781;

<bb 2>:
  D.2782_1 = operator<< (&cout, "\tB:f");
  D.2781_2 = D.2782_1;
  operator<< (D.2781_2, endl);

I want to ignore variables D.2782 and D.2781 as they are object of class defined in standard library file.

On Monday 08 September 2014 05:12 PM, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 8 September 2014 11:53, Swati Rathi wrote:
How to identify object of a class which is defined in the library file?

For e.g.
   struct basic_ostream & D.2782;

Variable D.2782 is object of class which is part of the library file.
How can we identify such a variable?
Repeating the question three times doesn't make it any clearer, what
exactly are you asking?

What are you referring to as "the library file"? libstdc++.so? Or some
library of your own?

Please give more context for your question.

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