   I would like to encapsulate all symtab_nodes to a class called 'symtab'. To 
respect gcc:context, I would like to add the class to global context 
(gcc::context) and I have troubles with GTY and GGC.


class GTY(()) symtab
  symtab_node* GTY(()) nodes;

class GTY(()) context
  context () {}
  void init ();

  /* Pass-management.  */
  pass_manager *get_passes () { gcc_assert (m_passes); return m_passes; }

  /* Handling dump files.  */
  dump_manager *get_dumps () {gcc_assert (m_dumps); return m_dumps; }

  /* Symbol table.  */
  symtab *get_symtab () { gcc_assert (symbol_table); return symbol_table; }

  /* Symbol table.  */
  symtab * GTY(()) symbol_table;

  /* Pass-management.  */
  pass_manager * GTY((skip)) m_passes;

  /* Dump files.  */
  dump_manager * GTY((skip)) m_dumps;
}; // class context

} // namespace gcc

/* The global singleton context aka "g".
   (the name is chosen to be easy to type in a debugger).  */
extern GTY(()) gcc::context *g;

gcc:context in created by g = ggc_cleared_alloc<gcc::context> (); and 
g->symbol_table too.
My problem is that during pg_pch_restore:
#3  0x0000000000850043 in gt_pch_restore (f=0x1ac9100) at 

When I add watch to *(&g), gcc::context *g is restored ^ and 
gcc:context::m_passes and gcc:context::m_dumps are set to an inaccessible address.

Is my GGC construct correct?

Thank you,

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