I didn't see a place to post slides for Cauldron talks, so am posting links to them here.
"Just-In-Time compilation using GCC (libgccjit.so)" =================================================== HTML slides: http://dmalcolm.fedorapeople.org/presentations/cauldron-2014/jit/ Source code used for generating the HTML slides: https://github.com/davidmalcolm/2014-cauldron-jit-talk/blob/master/source/index.rst "A proposal for typesafe RTL" ============================= HTML slides: http://dmalcolm.fedorapeople.org/presentations/cauldron-2014/rtl Source code used for generating the HTML slides: https://github.com/davidmalcolm/2014-cauldron-rtl-talk/blob/master/source/index.rst (both talks built using Sphinx, using the hieroglyph.io extension, which adds an HTML slides backend. Sphinx is superb) Does anyone know if any Cauldron talks were recorded? Thanks Dave